Do you use OR 99E in Canby? ODOT is planning to repave OR 99E in Canby between South Pine Street and Southwest Berg Parkway.
This 1-mile stretch of highway, also known as First Avenue, is a busy corridor where people visit businesses, locals connect to important places like the high school and library, and many travel through to reach homes and work. The project will add features to help everyone get around more safely when driving, biking, walking, taking transit or using mobility devices such as a wheelchair.
How to Give Feedback
Use the map to describe your safety concerns or ideas.
Take a short survey (also linked in the sidebar) to tell us how you use the road and what concerns could be addressed to improve safety.
Repave the highway for the entire length of the project for a safer, smoother ride.
Improve traffic signals and crosswalks at South Elm Street, South Grant Street and South Ivy Street to increase safety for everyone. We are studying locations where people cross OR 99E and may close crosswalks that don’t meet safety guidelines.
Redesign and reconstruct the Southwest Fourth Avenue intersection near Southwest Berg Parkway for safer access near an essential destination.
Reconstruct sidewalk on the south side of OR 99E between La Conasuper Market and Rite Aid.
Update striping along the highway for narrower and consistent lanes to encourage slower, safer speeds on the busy commercial street. This may allow for bicycle lanes on both sides of the highway between Southwest Berg Parkway and South Elm Street.
Install sidewalk curb ramps at all intersections to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.
Remove unused railroad tracks. Realign tracks still in use that cross OR 99E diagonally near South Pine Street to eliminate a hazard for anyone on two wheels.
Partner with Canby Area Transit on improvements to increase safety and access for transit users as bus shelters are added in the area.
For ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) or Civil Rights Title VI accommodations, translation/interpretation services, or more information call 503-731-4128, TTY 800-735-2900 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1.
Si desea obtener información sobre este proyecto traducida al español, sírvase llamar al 503-731-4128.
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